Syb1 Information is constantly changing. Moving fast. Faster than it has ever been. Ever! Information that moves do fast becomes watered down. You don’t get all of the details, facts or Syb1 is a place where information (Data) Thrives. That’s what we specialize in information and support. It’s that simple. We use information to support our brother and we support our brother with information. You didn’t hear it through the grave vine you heard it from The Syb1 line…

Information from elders is key because when an elder dies volumes and volumes of information is lost. Sometimes forever! Therefore, at Syb1 we cherish our elders. We learn from our elders and we trap into our elder’s wisdom and life experiences to share with you—our brother. You need this information. You might not realize it because you truly don’t know what you don’t know until someone tells you. That someone is Syb1. We are here to share with you vital information.

We will consolidate & categorize your information and we will give it legs. It will walk. It will run. It will soar. And it will fly. And then it (and we) will impact the world. Brothers and sisters we need to stop chasing paper money. We have a trove of money right at our grasps. It literally is our shared experiences. It is more vital than gold or silver. And we want Syb1 to be your avenue to share and receive information.

Right now we are establishing the “Ground Floor.” (Matthew7: 21-29)The ground floor will include approximately 500 people that Syb1 will reach out to individually. We ask that the ground floor people create a place where other people want to go.

Secondary Description:

The support your brother as one movement through ripe soil is blooming into an optimal place where flourishing information lives and fertile collective information awaits. is budding through a united fruitful vine of supporting nectar that cultivate brother, sister, son and daughter to bundle grow and reap together while challenging others to also branch out thus harvesting crucial partnerships, stem solid families and lasting mature friendships; essentially producing a world with the seed thriving common goal to just naturally: support your brother as one! —

Syb1 Get it! Give It! Information…

Syb1 a place to document life…

What Syb1 is designed to do is bring US together. Who is “US” you might ask? It’s the one who needs support and the one willing to give it.

It’s YOUR Thang! Do what you want to do…

There is something that you know that I need to know.

Do what you should do—Support your brother as one—Share!

We don’t want to change your life we want to give you a life.

I Have A Dream! To live in a place where brother supports brother as a natural way of life.

What information would you like? What information do you need?

Our Profit is Information! Our Promise is support. Our Practice is to challenge others to do the same

 We don’t want your money we want your information. What information do you want? I’m glad you asked. (We need your information) Here is a few suggestions : Teen-Gripes-Encouragement-Games- Events-Medical-Racial Discrimination issues-Current Events—abortion-Law- Slang- Music- God-Banking-History-Marriage-Diovorce-Rducation-Entertainment-Sports-Politics-Rasing Kids-Food-Religeeon-Sex-Love-Obamas-Stars-Employment-Business-Hair-Nails-Insurance-Informatoion I don’t know—Something I didn’t know—Suggest category-Recipes—News-Commentary—Rally’s—Great Books—Potential Jobs—Comedy—Healthcare—Crime—Drugs—Ideas—True Stories etc… Products include feature stories of community leaders. Sharing important and everyday information. Triumphant stories. History accessed. Button on the website to access these topics: Banking, History, Rumors, Marriage, Divorce, Education, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Raising kids, Food, Religion, Sex, Love, Obama, Politics, Stars, Astrology, Business, Hair, Nails, insurance, Info I didn’t know, Category (suggestions), Teen, Popular culture, Gripes, Encouragement, Adult, Games, Medical, Law, Racial Discrimination, Issues, Communication, Music, DONATION, Abortion, God, Word of mouth info, Crime, Personal stories, Magic, Economics, Success stories…etc.

What return will you get for your shared information? I’m glad you asked. You will get first a since of pride knowing you have helped your fellow man. Secondly: Syb1 will use generated revenue from Syb1 to build up inner-city communities—build schools—build hospitals—Education—Improve communities such as a projects—infrastructure (railroads, bridges, airports, train lines, —Create safe mental health facilities—Awareness about STD’s—And much more!!

Stop working for free! Right now you’re sharing info—but only return you’re getting for it is likes! Stop working for free!! Slavery is over….